Justice & Care for Creation
Our World, Our Hope, Our Responsibility!
The Justice & Care for Creation Ministry of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Rochester seeks to raise awareness and deepen understanding of issues of injustice toward our neighbor and our earth. Having learned and prayed, we move toward loving action, individually and in collaboration with others.
Inspired by Catholic social teaching and in alignment with our SSJ Charism, we strive to:
promote peace & nonviolence
work for economic justice
welcome the stranger
respect the human dignity of all
seek ecological conversion
How we work:
Uniting Neighbor to Neighbor & All to God
A Charism of Unifying Love
Recognizing that we are all beloved in the eyes of God, we seek to heal the divisions between us. In that spirit, we offer these prayers and practices to help us bridge divides, build peace and choose community over chaos.
“Here is the true meaning and value of compassion and nonviolence, when it helps us to see the enemy’s point of view, to hear his questions, to know his assessment of ourselves. For from his view we may indeed see the basic weaknesses of our own condition, and if we are mature, we may learn and grow and profit from the wisdom of the brothers who are called the opposition.”
But How? A few resources to help
Detox From the Political Polarization Trap: Starts With Us
Overcome the toxic polarization harming your health, your relationships, and our country’s ability to thrive, starting with one short exercise a day. Each exercise offers an easy (5 minute), intermediate (10 minutes), and advanced (all day) practice to help us become more aware of our own blind spots and more able to engage in constructive conversation. Visit startswith.us
Braver Angels
Braver Angels is leading the nation’s largest cross-partisan, volunteer-led movement to bridge the partisan divide for the good of our democratic republic. Workshops, experiences and a pod cast. Good stuff.
The USCCB’s ‘A Better Kind of Politics: Civilize It’ program has some great resources.
“As Catholics, we take to heart Jesus’ invitation to follow the example of the Good Samaritan, who challenges us to “become neighbors to all” (no. 80). As a Church and a nation, we are polarized and divided. But as Pope Francis writes in Fratelli Tutti, we can seek “a better kind of politics, one truly at the service of the common good” (no. 154). We can see ourselves as members of one family. We can seek to encounter and to grow. We can identify common values. We can listen to understand. We can seek the truth together. We can jointly come up with creative solutions to the problems that face our world.”
Just Us
Everyday Peace Retreat
Celebrate Laudato Si Week
Mother’s Day Proclamation
Anti-Gun Violence Webinar
Learn & Then, Do!