Justice & Care for Creation

Our World, Our Hope, Our Responsibility!


The Justice & Care for Creation Ministry of the Sisters of Saint Joseph of Rochester seeks to raise awareness and deepen understanding of issues of injustice toward our neighbor and our earth. Having learned and prayed, we move toward loving action, individually and in collaboration with others.

Inspired by Catholic social teaching and in alignment with our SSJ Charism, we strive to:

  • promote peace & nonviolence

  • work for economic justice

  • welcome the stranger

  • respect the human dignity of all

  • seek ecological conversion

How we work:

Election 2024

NETWORK Advocates for Justice has developed a tool for discerning which candidates promote the common good across a range of issues. Pope Francis makes it clear: Catholics and all people of good will are called to be multi-issue voters, not single-issue voters. The “Equally Sacred” checklist can support you be a faithful voter.
Find it here: networklobby.org/equally-sacred-multi-issue-voter-checklist. Or download here.

For more information about NETWORK’S mission and values visit: networklobby.org/about.

Virtual Prayer Space for US National Conventions and Presidential Election

The Leadership Conference of Women Religious invites you to 24 hours of contemplative prayer throughout the days of the United States Republican and Democratic National Conventions and the days of the National Election. These days of prayer are open to all, bridging the divide between culture, religion and politics. There will be no presentations or comments during the virtual gathering. To participate, log in, review the orientation to our gathering in the waiting room, and join women religious from around the world as they pray in silence.

To join the Virtual Prayer Space visit: bit.ly/VirtualPrayerRM

Just Us         

  • Everyday Peace Retreat

  • Celebrate Laudato Si Week

  • Mother’s Day Proclamation

  • Anti-Gun Violence Webinar

  • Learn & Then, Do!