Top Vatican Official Among Panel at Nazareth’s Shannon Chair Lecture Series
Sister Susan Nowak, the William H. Shannon Chair in Religious Studies at Nazareth University, is proud to announce a distinguished lineup of speakers for the spring summit of the Shannon Chair Lecture Series.
Friendly Senior Living Purchases Sisters of Saint Joseph Property
The Sisters of Saint Joseph of Rochester and Friendly Senior Living are very pleased to announce that Friendly Senior Living has purchased the Sisters of Saint Joseph’s property, located at 150 French Road in Pittsford.
More Than a History Tour
In January, Sister Donna Del Santo participated in a powerful Civil Rights Journey with nearly two dozen students and staff from Nazareth University.
The Transformative Power of Spirituality
Sister Monica Weis continues to inspire individuals to explore and embrace the transformative power of spirituality through the multifaceted life of American Trappist monk, Thomas Merton.
LCWR Response to These Times
The Sisters of Saint Joseph share the Leadership Conference of Women Religious’ statement regarding concerns for the current state of the nation and world.
SSJ Connection to St. Ambrose Honored
The longstanding connection of the Sisters of Saint Joseph and St. Ambrose community was recently honored.
SSJ Recognized for Extraordinary Contributions to Catholic Education
Sister Francella Quinn was recently honored with the 2024 Lighting the Fire for Catholic Education award by the Catholic School Administrators Association of New York State (CSAANYS).
SSJs Support “Vote Our Future” Bus Tour
The Sisters of Saint Joseph of Rochester shared their presence on this year’s Nuns on the Bus & Friends tour, organized by NETWORK Advocates for Catholic Social Justice.
Hope Hall School Marks 30 Years
In 1992, Sister Diana Dolce approached the SSJ Leadership Team to discuss her desire to meet an unmet need in the region. Now, 30 years later, Hope Hall School is thriving, and the future shines bright for this vital ministry.
SSJs Explore Spiritual Journey for Those in Recovery
Through these last two years, some Sisters of Saint Joseph have been drawn to learn more about a program consistent with the SSJ charism and spirituality rooted in the Ignatian tradition. That tradition calls us to unite neighbor to neighbor and all with God. The program is called The Ignatian Spirituality Project (ISP).
Exploring a Rich History
In celebration of Nazareth University’s 100th anniversary, the Sisters of Saint Joseph were honored to present at a retreat for Nazareth faculty and staff this summer.
SSJ Receives Presidential Medallion
Sister Barbara Lum is among 11 recipients to receive Nazareth University’s first ever Presidential Medallion award.
Inspired to Serve
In June 2024, Sister Susan Nowak, William Shannon Chair Professor of Religious Studies at Nazareth University, traveled to India with two Nazareth students to spend three weeks learning about a ministry that serves destitute women, children and men.
Praying for a Better World
The Sisters of Saint Joseph of Rochester joined hundreds of Sisters from around the world for a virtual prayer to pray for hope, love and encouragement for our broken world.
Nazareth Elementary Welcomes New Principal
Nazareth Elementary School has named Ms. Rhonda Neal as its new Principal.
SSJs Continue Homeless Outreach
The Sisters of Saint Joseph recently continued their outreach to those in need with an ice cream social in the City of Rochester.
SSJ Principal Retiring from Nazareth
Sister Margaret Mancuso, our beloved Principal at Nazareth Elementary, is retiring.
New Role for SSJ Chaplain
Sister Marie Susanne Hoffman is shifting gears to a new ministry. This summer she is moving from her role as Chaplain at Monroe Community Hospital to a new pastoral role in the Congregation.
Final Celebration at Cobblestone Springs
Sisters and friends gathered together on May 18 for a final celebration at the Cobblestone Retreat Center in Dundee, NY.
Thomas Merton 101
Sister Monica Weis was the invited guest speaker for the "Women-in-the-Spirit" group at Church of The Transfiguration on April 3.