SSJ Retires from RIT NTID
Sister Jean Rodman interpreting via Zoom during Covid pandemic in April 2020
After more than 20 years as a staff sign language interpreter, Sister Jean Rodman (formerly Sister de Paul) has retired from her position at RIT’s National Technology Institute for the Deaf. Sister Jean has been an interpreter for nearly 40 years. She began studying interpreting at NTID in 1984. “Sister Maura Wilson was my leadership person at the time…she reminded me of our long SSJ association of work with people who are deaf and encouraged my moving into that ministry,” says Sister Jean referring to the Sisters’ work with deaf children that dates back to their founding in France.
Before she took the staff interpreter position, Sister Jean had worked freelance for many years. “At RIT, I worked with the NTID deaf and hard of hearing students who take courses in the other colleges at RIT – especially students majoring in business, computers, or engineering technology.” She even continued her work via Zoom during the Covid pandemic. In April 2020 she stated, “I am fascinated by two things that have never before been true in my life. The first is that I am actually comfortable with the technology of the moment! (While I do have a cell phone, it's a little flip phone, at least a decade old, and it's still smarter than I am.) The second reality feels even more amazing. For the first time since I started Kindergarten, the teachers, classroom staff, and students are all learning, together, at the same time; in this case, it's how to do synchronous online education. It’s a lovely example of collaboration and mutual support!”
Now, having retired from her RIT position, Sister Jean says she plans to continue doing some freelance interpreting. She is also enthusiastic about looking for opportunities to be of service at the Motherhouse. “Being a Christmas elf, delivering packages that arrived for residents, gave me lots of exercise. I especially enjoy helping serve breakfast to priests and Sisters in Samaritan – one of the staffed units at the Motherhouse. The possibilities are endless!"