Peace & Nonviolence


ROC Against Gun Violence: A City of Rochester Initiative

Nuns Against Gun Violence: a coalition of Catholic Sisters and their allies that affirms the value of human life through prayer, education, and advocacy for common sense, evidence-based, gun violence prevention. 

From Nuns Against Gun Violence: Watch Beating Guns

Pax Christi: Working for Peace with Justice

Catholic Mobilizing Network: working to end the death penalty, to transform the U.S. criminal justice system, and engage in restorative practices.

Pray With Us

Fridays from 11:50 until 12:00 we gather to pray for victims of homicide in our community. Feel free to stop by or join us in spirit wherever you are.

Selected prayers:

Xavier University Prayers for Peace

God Show Us How to do More

Let the Shooting End: from the Sisters of Mercy

Sad, Tired, and Angry: A prayer in the face of gun violence: James Martin, SJ in America Magazine