St. Joseph’s Northside
The ministry was started by Sister Peg Brennan in 2005 to help people in the northwest part of the city of Rochester. The Lyell Avenue area is a neighborhood dealing with many serious issues, among them: poverty, drug dealing, prostitution, and violence. The ministry provides a safe haven for neighbors to come have a meal, connect with others, and learn about resources that could help get their lives on track.
Learn More About Our Volunteers
Who they are and what they do.
Happenings at St Joe’s Northside!
Meet Our Guests
What’s New This Month
Coming soon our monthly report!
Donate Today!
The people we serve have many urgent needs—clothing, toiletries and hygiene items, warm winter gloves and socks, and more. For the full list, visit our Amazon Wish List. The items you choose will go directly to those who need them.
Volunteer Opportunities
If none of the opportunities apply to you, please still do contact us. We are looking for all types of volunteers and these examples are not all-inclusive.
Description: Assist with daily responsibilities at St. Joseph’s Northside. (Examples include cooking breakfast, serving breakfast, greeting guests, cleanup, assist with connecting visitors to appropriate services, etc.)
Requirements: Must be patient and sensitive towards all visitors, and have a willingness to learn. We are open Tuesday through Friday, 9-1 pm. One or two mornings a month commitment preferred.
Time: As Needed.
Description: St. Joseph’s Northside is always looking for people who want to donate their time and have a particular skill that could benefit those who visit St. Joseph’s Northside.
Examples include but are not limited to:
• People with finance experience or any other type of professional experience;
• Hairdressers, massage therapists, etc.;
• Craftsmen, "handymen"; or
• Gardening/Yard maintenance for our front porch and flower gardens.
Have another idea? Contact Bill.