Welcoming the Holy

Here we invite you to take time for yourself in personal prayer. The following spiritual reflection offers words and images which we hope will evoke for you an experience of God.

By: Sister Joan Sobala

“Little girl, I say to you arise..”  Ezekiel 34.31  

Opening Prayer

Tender God, today we hear of two healings of women by Jesus…the girl, Talitha, and the woman with the hemorrhage. We stand with them. We watch. We listen. We pray for them and ourselves. In them we see that You make healing happen where it seems impossible. Thank you, gracious God. Amen.


The woman with the hemorrhage and the girl at death’s door are linked together in this passage from Mark. We see death closing the door to life for Talitha (the name means “ little girl”) before Jesus can get to her. But Jesus assures the father and mother that there will be more life and there was, when Jesus took her by the hand. The parents were so ecstaic that Jesus had to remind them to give her something to eat after her ordeal. Talitha needed food.  So do we. We defy the deaths of our lives by nourishing ourselves at Jesus’ word and by the food he offers.

There is no indication that the woman with the hemorrhage knew that Jesus was on a  life-saving mission. But her action wouldn’t take long. She didn’t think she needed much from Jesus. Only to touch him. To touch Jesus would be enough for her. And it was enough to heal her. Both woman and girl experienced the touch of Jesus and they were healed. Let’s not be afraid to touch Jesus. That will be enough to heal us. 

So few interactions of Jesus with women are used in the Sunday lectionary. These stories of  great tenderness and life can lead us to a deeper conviction about the ways Jesus embraces.  

Closing Prayer

Holy, wholly-tender God, Your Son has a healing touch that extends to all of us, asked for or not. May we have deep appreciation for what Jesus did for Talitha and the woman with the hemorrhage. May we reach out our hand to touch Jesus as he accepted their touch. Amen.


Welcoming the Holy


Welcoming the Holy