Welcoming the Holy
Here we invite you to take time for yourself in personal prayer. The following spiritual reflection offers words and images which we hope will evoke for you an experience of God.
By: Sister Joan Sobala
“For by grace you have been saved through faith… and this is a gift from God.” Ephesians 2.9
Opening Prayer
Tender God, I thank you for the breadth and depth of Lent. Help me to use it well to prepare for the Easter burst of new life in Christ. This week in particular, may I find your Son in the unexpected twists and turns of life, even as the captive Israelites did, even as Nicodemus did. Help me to recognize Him wherever He knows I most need His partnership. Amen.
Today’s Gospel gives us a look at Nicodemus, a man of God, an honest searcher. Like so many of us, Nicodemus came to Jesus by night, lest he be seen, let he be wrong about Jesus. And Jesus led him into daylight. In that first nighttime encounter, Nicodemus welcomed the gift of faith.
In the first reading we hear how the Israelites were ignoring the prophets and in various ways, turned from God. They did not know or value that what they were given was pure gift – nothing that was owed them.
What do we do with the faith that is God’s gift to us?
Do we have to go into exile as the Israelites did or do we recognize the gift here at home? Do we come to Jesus by night, fearful that we are seen by others?
Closing Prayer
Creator God, when we meet Jesus in the night, stir in us some comprehension of how valuable what He offers is. In this moment – today, now – we thank you that He is here with us. Amen.